Everyone knows it is more difficult than ever to find balance in our lives. People are pressured by so many responsibilities they have become mentally and emotionally overwhelmed. Few people any longer understand the need to “rest” and the joy of contemplation. If that’s you, be encouraged to know there is hope to change!
When Martha was stressed with working so hard and serving and was troubled with many things, Mary was sitting quietly at Jesus' feet listening to Him. Martha was very upset at this and asked Jesus to make Mary stop resting and start working. Jesus responded with words we all need to hear. He told Martha that she was concerned about many things, but only one thing was necessary. He then went on to tell her that Mary had chosen the "good portion", and that it would not be taken away from her!
It is important that we look at our heavenly Father, not as a task oriented, slave driver, but rather as someone who is relational. In other words, Jesus likes to stop and have dinner over people's houses and he likes to talk and spend time. Some may be thinking, "Yes, that may be true, but I have so much to do I don't have a choice!" The truth is that we all have a choice; we just need to realize that it is ours to make.
All who feel like they are slaves to their situations be encouraged!! You can choose the "one thing that is necessary" and the portion that God calls "good"! Mary and Martha were sisters who grew up in the same place and shared lives of similar circumstances. Mary simply chose to stop, sit, rest, and listen to Jesus! Jesus loved this choice so much He even told Martha that the benefits of her choice would not be taken away from her!
Wow! Not only did she get to choose to sit and be with Jesus (the one necessary thing), Jesus supported and validated her decision!
You may have many things to be concerned about and may feel you don't have a choice but to be stressed, but you do. Decide to first take care of the "one thing" that is necessary. Spend time with Jesus to listen to Him, and to be strengthened by Him. Take the time and put things back in line behind Jesus Christ! It will make all the difference and you will find that you once again found balance!
Steve Hannett is the founding Pastor of Abundant Grace Christian Church and Jesus Reigns International located in NJ. He carries a powerful apostolic, teaching, and healing anointing with signs, wonders, and miracles. He serves as local faculty with the Antioch School of Leadership, and is an apostolic leader with Christ Covenant Coalition.